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Urbantransport.kiev.ua Urbantransport.kiev.ua
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Network map
Overall network map Overall network map (2009), tram lines with route numbers. Route numbers for trolleybus lines To see detailed map, click on corresponding section below
City Tram and all trolleybus lines of "city section" as for 2009 (from Peresyp bridge in the north to Fontan and Tairova housing estate in the south)
center Tram and trolleybus lines of city center, 2009
Peresyp Tram lines of Peresyp and Kotovskogo, 2009. Detailed sections with tram lines of Lustdorf and route 20 are also here.
Network map
Rolling stock
© Kostj Kozlov, 2004-2011.
Last updated - 17.01.2011.